Sara Moroza-James
Intensive Interaction Coordinator

Intensive Interaction is a wonderful, naturalistic, nurturing, child-centred, play-based therapy that helps your child to learn and develop more typically via relationships and play.

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Natural Learning
The people who developed Intensive Interaction looked carefully at how skills, normally impaired in autism, are acquired in natural childhood development. So, just as in typical early development, I.I. has no boxes to tick, no objectives as such, yet this beautiful, nurturing, free-flowing approach can positively alter the trajectory of your child's development for ever.
Human Communication
Human happiness is dependent upon social interaction and communication. Sadly the basic human right of social inclusion is often denied to our children.
It's painful for us parents who want nothing more than to see our children playing happily with all the other children or joining in with social events.
I.I. is a way of ensuring that our children are included socially and once included, are able to develop these skills more naturally.
I'm a Mum with a background in teaching and a normal life until my son was diagnosed with autism. Before discovering Intensive Interaction we ran several home programmes and dabbled in many more therapies. Although Tom was clever and learning quickly, we didn't seem to be affecting the core of his autism at all. Intensive Interaction has worked at the very heart of his difficulties, meaning that he is able to relate, socialise, play and learn more naturally.
Simple, not simplistic
Many therapies appear complex and, therefore, thorough and good. But they are often based on an incomplete understanding of childhood development. Despite their complex appearance they are simplistic.
Intensive Interaction based on natural interactions is simple yet deep, easy to do yet profoud, a pleasure yet essential.
To the core of autism
Intensive Interaction goes straight to the very heart of the difficulties associated with autism, supporting your child in ever more meaningful interactions and relationships. And it manages to do this in a way that is deeply respectful, joyous, dynamic, playful and completely adapted to the individual.
Intensive Interaction learners understand completely and participate fully and with full motivation in all the interactions.
And it's fun for you too!

Intensive Interaction is a process therapy rather than an outcomes therapy. That means that the journey is more important than the destination and that the learning starts happening right now. It's not an overstatement for me to say that my whole family began to live life and flourish again with I.I..
Our children's lives are there to be enjoyed and not endured. And the learning outcome rewards can start to be reaped from the beginning.