Dear Professional, Here's How You Unwittingly Upset Autism-Parents.
I know you don't mean to. You have the best of intentions. You think something along the lines of "I don't want to make false promises."...

How to REALLY help your child
Invisible Umbilical Cord Your son bangs his head hard on the table and you wince from the pain. Your daughter is anxious again so you...

Falling in love again ... An Intensive Interaction Tale (I.I. week 2018)
It’s hard being the parent of an autistic child. And sometimes - in the daily round of special diets, appointments with therapists,...

"I look and I see" by Stef Marchetti, Mum to Zak and blogger (I.I. week 2018)
When I enter the room I am like a silent wolf who sits and watches from a distance… it might be that the only thing that speak is my...

"I'm here" by Karan McKerrow, Mum to Ciaran (I.I. week 2018)
Ciaran lost skills and seemed to develop autism overnight when he was 2 . That was pre internet and google! I remember thinking if we had...

Half Way, Stef Marchetti, Mum to Zak (I.I. week 2018)
I think at some point in our lives we expect things to go the way we wanted to go, we expect things to be done in a particular way….....

What did this week bring (II week 2018)
My inspiration to even attempt II in a professional capacity was born of the years of II as our family worked to suppott my brother and...

I.I. - A way of life
We have been doing II for a long time now. Actually, I don’t think we ‘do’ it any more, in that we rarely have II sessions. It’s just an...

Going it (almost) alone.
Going it (almost) alone We are a bilingual family living in the South of France. I was born and raised in the UK but moved out to France...

Intensive Interaction Week - PARENTS "Seclusion to Inclusion"
He lunges at the door. Hands on the window, thrusting his head onto the glass. Wide eyed terror and confusion. Adrenalin pumping,...