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Half Way, Stef Marchetti, Mum to Zak (I.I. week 2018)

I think at some point in our lives we expect things to go the way we wanted to go, we expect things to be done in a particular way….. these are our everyday expectations..

When it comes down to autism I truly believe that expectations come last..

Expect nothing accept everything is my motto

As our children grow our expectations grow but what I have learnt throught the years by using Intensive Interaction is to follow and not to lead. We cannot have expectations if our children are not ready so I say..

Meet your child where they are at, not where the world expect them to be

Intensive Interaction helps you to take a step back, helps you tune in with their reality and not yours.

Imagine a flower that isn’t ready to blossom, it is growing but not ready yet to take that next step.. if you add to much water it will just die… it is the same for our children, if we push but they aren’t truly ready they won’t be able to grow fully according to their own expectations.

Yes our children are growing, becoming young men and young women but don’t be scared rather tune in with their own world and see things with their eyes and minds.

Enable yourself as parent or carer to just get taken on a journey

You can visit Stef's blog at

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