Your child with autism CAN develop & learn naturally! (lessons from a 're-wilded' farm)
A wonderfully uplifting farming story appeared in my facebook feed today which was, to me, the perfect allegory for how we parents can...

How shifting your perspective and your energy can radically transform life for your child with autis
(Energy worker and mother Miki Ettore speaks about the shifting of energies that she believes happens in Intensive Interaction and how...

The Big Secrets that Intensive Interaction holds for people with autism
(Speaking at the Intensive Interaction conference in Nottingham this year, Dave Hewett did something he doesn't usually do – he wrote his...

Help your child to acquire language naturally!
Within weeks of starting Intensive Interaction, my 7-year-old verbal son began to use emotive expressions such as “oops!” “oh dear!”...

How measuring your child's progress might actually hamper their progress!
Despite the apparent dryness of this year’s annual I.I. conference title – “Intensive Interaction - Evidencing the Outcomes”, the dilemma...

How to get started with Intensive Interaction
How to get started with Intensive Interaction On one level, Intensive Interaction is incredibly simple. Without knowing too much about...

Could this book transform our parenting?
Being familiar with Clinical Psychologist Dr Markham’s child-centred and relationship-based parenting tips, I was keen to discover...

Karen's Story
Karen’s story Worries When Karen’s twins James and Iona were born 3 years ago, mixed up with all her delight and emotion over bringing 2...

A day in the life of an Intensive Interaction Coordinator/ Practitioner
The following post was written by Intensive Interaction Coordinator/ Practitioner, Anne Barker as her contribution to Autism Awareness...

Is it ok to prompt waving and greeting?
When Tom was younger we 'taught' waving as part of his behavioural programmes. This consisted of us prompting him to wave his arm or to...