The Fundamentals of Communication (and all other learning)
(During its first year or so, a baby learns the most important learning of its entire life: how to connect, how to be a part of society, how to develop and learn via communications with other people. In short a baby learns how to learn. Most of these skills are impaired for people with autism and other communication difficulties but studies show us that Intensive Interaction does result in these same learning outcomes for our children even though they are no longer infants and possibly even grown-ups. Here's a list of expected learning outcomes from I.I.....)

•learning to truly enjoy being with another person
•developing the ability to attend properly to that person
•an ever-increasing concentration and attention span
•learning to do ever more complicated sequences of activity with a person
•reading non-verbal cues in order to take turns in exchanges of behaviour
•sharing personal space
•learning to regulate and control arousal levels
•developing a sense of humour
•becoming increasingly flexible
•ever expanding interests
•an increasing sense of self
•increasing self-esteem and confidence
•an increasing ability to communicate feelings, point of view, likes, interests, etc.
(The following skills involved in "MIND READING" or in other words the skills we all use to work out how someone else is feeling or what they are thinking or how we communicate our feelings and thoughts with others)